Zoe Helene by Tracey Eller

Psychedelic Feminism—Evoking Intentions
Naropa Alliance for Psychedelic Studies
Naropa University

Zoe Helene will lead “Psychedelic Feminism—Evoking Intentions” for Naropa University's Naropa Alliance for Psychedelic Studies (NAPS), Monday, November 23, 2020, with host Laurel Silberman.

Helene is an artist and cultural activist who founded the environmental feminism collective Cosmic Sister to advocate for women, wilderness, and wildlife and for our natural right to work with nature’s psychedelic medicines—our co-evolutionary allies. Zoe coined the term Psychedelic Feminism to describe a sub-genre of feminism that embraces intentional work with sacred psychedelic plants and fungi.

Psychedelic Feminism—Evoking Intentions

A Virtual Full-Spectrum Temeno Talking Circle

Sacred psychedelic medicines can help people heal, self-liberate, and move forward in brilliant and revolutionary ways. In this Talking Circle, we will explore our personal and collective work in the medicine space, including methods for evoking intentional journeying with sacred plant medicines. Temeno is an Indigenous Hellas (Greek) word for sacred space that is often, but not always, in the wilderness.

For millennia, females have been oppressed by an extreme power imbalance that warps how we are evolving as a species. Everyone across the gender spectrum is harmed by the patriarchal, power-over model. Creating a true balance of power across the gender spectrum—globally—is the only way humans (and non-humans) will survive.

Psychedelics can help us access the wilderness within to identify, explore, and heal unhealthy roots of human suffering, such as wounds and disempowering social programming related to surviving and thriving in—and rising in resistance of—global male-dominance.

Psychedelic Feminism is hopeful and loving. Blaming men for everything is sexist, no matter how much of our rage is righteous. We’re in relationship with each other and with all of life on earth.

Full Spectrum Circles welcome all respectful, open-hearted people interested in exploring the effects of damaging patriarchal programming and the wounds and demons they carry from surviving in a culture suffering from gross, long-term gender-imbalance.


By registering for this event, I agree:

To turn off all electronic devices (other than that one you need to participate virtually)

To be respectful and kind to others

To participate by sharing, at least once (this is not a spectator sport)

To not record the event in any way (no videos, photos, audio, etc.)

To respect the privacy of others by not sharing anything discussed without specific written permission.

To not disparage individuals or entities participating or running the event.

That the content discussed herein is NOT intended as professional medical advice, diagnosis, treatment recommendation, personal suggestion, or endorsement.

November 2020