Zoe Helene by Tracey Eller

Psychedelic Feminism—Complexities + Community
Psyched | ALTRD.TV
Zoe Helene with host Marik Hazan

Psyched 2021, an Exploration of the Psychedelics Ecosystem.

July 6th-15th, 2021

What does the psychedelics ecosystem look like today? How will it change over the coming decade?

This conference seeks to answer these questions through presentations from the leading experts in psychedelics. Researchers, activists, artists, entrepreneurs, and nonprofit directors will all be contributing their own perspectives.

Join us for talks by diverse and prominent voices including David Bronner, Dr. Rachel Yehuda, Steve DeAngelo, Zoe Helene, Dennis McKenna, Danny Motyka, Sutton King, Chris Kilham, and many other incredible voices.

Weeklong Virtual Conference exploring the Psychedelics Ecosystem. We’ll explore the ethical implications, political changes, economic transitions, and sociological shifts as psychedelic compounds are rolled out globally.

July 2021