Robyn Lawrence by Zoe Helene
Cosmic Sisters of Cannabis is sponsoring Robyn Griggs Lawrence’s presentation at the Spirit Plant Medicine Conference at the University of British Columbia-Vancouver on October 29-30, 2016. In her ongoing mission to share the tremendous health and wellness benefits of cannabis, a medicinal superfood, with the world, Lawrence will discuss the opportunities and challenges that will come with the end of prohibition. As laws around the world are relaxed and prohibition comes to an end, cannabis is having its day in the sun, but challenges remain. Because the industry is still largely unregulated, consumers often have no idea how their cannabis is grown (all too often with lawn chemicals) and processed (all too often with butane). Lawrence advocates for sustainably grown, responsibly marketed cannabis and will show consumers why that matters. Lawrence will also call for those who love the plant to stand up for cannabis’s evolution as a natural medicine and superfood—without adulteration—just as we fought for organic food standards in the 1990s.