Hinauri Nehua-Jackson by Noella Steinhauer for Cosmic Sister
This page is a place for us to share Ancestor Medicine work, including presentations, creative art, related media and more.
You will also find work created by Cosmic Sister Ancestor Medicine Award (CS AMA) recipients. The CS AMA supports women who wish to explore and express cultural treasures (and traumas) from their genetic ancestral lines, with a focus on self-liberation, empowerment, and discovering and reclaiming herstory, with sacred psychoactive and psychedelic medicine allies.
Exploring ancestry with the help of sacred plant allies can be empowering in surprising ways. Delving deeply into our individual and collective past can help inform choices we make in the present—for ourselves as individuals, for the people we love, and for the future of life on earth. All of our backstories brought us to where we are today, as a collective. This is classic psychedelic journeying work. It’s about truth-seeking and treasure hunting. Discovering, reconnecting, recreating for a better future. Who are you? Where do you come from? How did you get to where you are today? The paths of our ancestors all lead to the present. You. Me. Us. Where will we go together, tomorrow?