Nephertiti Amen by Tracey Eller
Congratulations, Cosmic Sister Emerging Voices Award (CS EVA) recipient Nephertiti "Neph" Amen (@nephertitiamen)!
Neph is an Indigenous ritualist, curator of sacred spaces, and facilitator in the science of holistic living at Rituals of Love Sanctuary (@youaresacredhere), which she founded with her partner, artist Aina Sullivan (@BlackStoneAlchemy). Working tirelessly on the frontlines to break through the oppressive forces against truth and wellbeing, she supports a global movement of holistic transformation.
Certified through the Holistic Healing & Therapeutics Center under renowned traditional healer and naturopath Dr. Llaila Afrika, Neph is also an artist, dancer, and singer/songwriter. She works with sacred plants, including cannabis, and has been refining her platform for creating sanctuary and ancestral ritual for more than a decade.
She founded Rituals of Love in 2017 to include sacred ancestral rites in the practice of holism. “Healing happens in whole spaces and holi-spaces where body, mind, spirit/ physical, mental, etheric are at ease, and in harmony,” Neph says.
"Space is an unlimited resource of changing inter-relational dynamics—a resource where wholeness can be realized and serve as a tool to access the greatest potential in and around us,” she adds. “Cradled within the wholeness of space, we can be the change we wish to see in the world."
Being incarcerated for 13 months on cannabis charges shifted Neph’s life goals. When she got out of prison, she studied Arabic, Spanish, ancient spiritual texts, and her own family’s culture and history. Inspired by the culture, language, and science of the Indigenous Diaspora, or Original Dark People, Neph identifies as American Aborigine and considers that “the catalyst through which I can reclaim my heritage and experience my culture.”
Neph is expecting her first child in December.
In partnership with Spirit Plant Medicine Conference, the CS EVA increases visibility for talented women in psychedelics and cannabis who work tirelessly in behind-the-scenes roles, as well as newcomers who bring unique voice and talent to the community and/or who shine in spotlight positions.
Photo by Tracey Eller (@ellerimages). Special thanks to Julia Moore (@plantingtemperance).
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