Mary Porter Eagle Has Landed with Peyote by Holli Margell (@holliwithani.photography)
Mary Teresa “Eagle Has Landed” Goudy Porter (@portermaryteresa), founder of Looking Glass Peyote Church of Oregon, descendant of the Nez Perce; Yakama, Wasco tribes and beloved member of the Cosmic Sister Expert Advisory Circle.
Mary Porter / The Eagle Has Landed (@portermaryteresa), cultural revival educator and founder of Looking Glass Peyote Church of Oregon, descendant of the Sauk-Suiattle, Nez Perce, Wasco, Yakama Tribes, received a Cosmic Sister Ancestor Medicine Award for a photoshoot with Holli Margell of Native Light Photography (@nativelightphoto). In the photo, Mary stands on the banks of the Sauk River, homeland of the Sauk-Suiattle tribe in northwestern Washington in the United States. Wrapped in a red scarf that symbolizes the blood of the ancestors, she holds peyote (Lophophora williamsii), “the sacrament.” After the photoshoot, Mary gave the sacrament to the river as an offering. “It felt good, like I was administering the medicine to the river,” she says. “Let the healing begin.”
“At this time in the reality of the earth; many indigenous elders, leaders, spiritualists, warriors, and mothers, are being called upon by nature to share what we know with humanity in an effort to bring us all back to the original instructions to live on this earth.” - Mary Teresa “Golden Eagle” Goudy Porter
Holli Margell (@holliwithani.photography) started in 2015 and decided to focus on serving the community in the Seattle area. The name is in honor of her Native American heritage as a registered member of the Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma. It also reflects her style of photography - to emulate the native environment. At times that's bright and formal in the studio, at other times, you'll see a very natural light look and feel.