Courtney Middleton with son Hendrix
Congratulations, Cosmic Sister Emerging Voices Award (CS EVA) winner Courtney “Coco” Middleton (@coco__middleton)!
Courtney is a third-year medical student at the Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Arizona. Her goal is to show people how to walk and live in their truth. “By truth, I mean maximum spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health,” she says. “After seeing close friends and family struggle with disease that could have been easily avoided and/or cured, I felt compelled to not only assist others on their healing journey, but also empower them to sustain their maximum potential.”
Courtney is a single mom. “Is it hard? Absolutely!” she says. “But this experience has been crucial to my growth as a woman and as a future physician.”
She is also part of Thriving Goddesses (@thrivinggoddesses), a “power quartet” of women in naturopathic school sharing their trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Courtney is cultivating compassion and love within herself, working continuously to heal her own traumas, which involves “humbling healing sessions and going deep within to observe myself to observe behavior and thought patterns that hinder my spiritual development.”
Mental health has become a huge topic of conversation in the Western world within the last decade, Courtney says, with youth at greater risk for anxiety and depression than ever before.
Plant medicines reminded Courtney what is important in her life. “Our society is often wrapped up in superficial things and ideologies,” she says. “By allowing people to shed all of their learned behaviors and thoughts that aren't honoring their health, plant medicines can give them clear insight on who they are and what truly matters. Medical professionals should educate themselves on all aspects of plant medicine to see if they could benefit their patients.”
In partnership with Spirit Plant Medicine Conference 2020, the CS EVA increases visibility for talented women in psychedelics and cannabis who work tirelessly in behind-the-scenes roles, as well as newcomers who bring unique voice and talent to the community and/or who shine in spotlight positions.
#CourtneyMiddleton #naturopath #NaturopathicMedicine #health #spiritual #holistic #singlemom #truth #doctor #PsychedelicFeminism #CosmicSister #ZoeHelene #wildernesswithin #women #wilderness #wildlife #Queen #BIWOC #psychedelic #plantspirit #sacredplant #entheogen #womensupportingwomen #nature #plantmedicine #earth #womeninpsychedelics