Rocio Alcaron
Rocio Alarcón (@iamoec) has been awarded a Cosmic Sister Women of The Psychedelic Renaissance (CS WPR) grant to present “La Limpia: Healing Power of the Americas to the World” at Spirit Plant Medicine Conference (SPMC), Oct 23rd - 25th, 2020.
Dr Ligia Rocio Alarcón G.
PhD in Ethnopharmacology UCL (UK)
Director of the IAMOE Centre in the Ecuadorian Amazon (@iamoec)
Ethnopharmacologist, ethnobotanist, curandera. She has spent over 40 years working with ethnic groups in the tropical rain forest and the Andes Mountains of Ecuador as well as the Basque Country, Spain. She offers workshops in UK, Ireland, Portugal, USA, etc. She practices and teaches about shamanic healing ceremonies, a knowledge that she received via the lineage of her mother and grandmother who were born in the Andes of Ecuador, the place where she was born too, at the foot of the Pichincha volcano. Her interests are the practices with master plants and the techniques of healing ceremonies in Ecuador, and research about ethnobotany and biodiversity. She offers workshops for different organizations around the world.
Visit SpiritPlantMedicine.com for more information, or see link in bio.
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